What Is Indigestion (Dyspepsia) And How To Treat It — Magastic - Discover the secret to digestive health

What Is Indigestion (Dyspepsia) And How To Treat It

What is Indigestion (dyspepsia)?

Dyspepsia is more commonly known as indigestion. Most people are no strangers to having troubles with digestion. It can have a number of causes, so identifying the cause of your indigestion isn’t always easy. However, one thing is for sure: it is not a pleasant condition to put up with.

Indigestion can include both discomfort in your abdomen and heartburn, neither of which are very nice to experience. You might feel sick, bloated or gassy and you just want the feeling to go away. People often suffer from regular indigestion and identifying why it’s happening can take time. For some people, this might never happen.

However, having a better understanding of indigestion can help you to address it. You can begin to treat the primary cause of your dyspepsia instead of its symptoms. Even if you can’t get to the bottom of what’s going on, you can find the right treatment to help you.

For some people, medication or even surgery might be right. For others, it could be a natural treatment like Magastic Extra. Indigestion occurs when your digestive system isn’t functioning as it should be. There correct treatment or lifestyle change can help to get it back on track.

The Symptoms of Indigestion (Dyspepsia)

Dyspepsia can be presented by a number of different symptoms. Most people recognise it when they feel pain or discomfort in their abdomen after eating; it’s common to feel bloated or full and like the last meal you ate is just sitting in your stomach. Indigestion often comes with heartburn, which can feel like burning behind your breastbone.

Indigestion can cause you to experience belching or flatulence due to excess gas. It also can lead to nausea and sometimes food or stomach acid coming back up. Some people find that indigestion makes them vomit if they’re feeling particularly bad.

People who experience regular indigestion might have to look out for other symptoms. For example, they might start to lose weight unexpectedly. Some people might vomit regularly or experience difficulty swallowing.

These more serious symptoms could require a trip to see your doctor, as they could indicate more serious conditions, such as a stomach ulcer or even stomach cancer. Undergoing an endoscopy can help to identify potential problems. However, most people don’t have anything to worry about when they experience indigestion.

Types of Dyspepsia

There are two main categories of dyspepsia: organic and functional, which each have different causes. The organic causes of dyspepsia include:

  • Stomach ulcers
  • Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
  • Gastric or oesophageal cancer
  • Pancreatic disorders
  • Food and drug intolerances

Other infectious or systemic diseases

Functional dyspepsia can have a large range of causes. Identifying which one is resulting in regular indigestion can be difficult. It could be that the stomach isn’t able to accommodate a meal, in which case something could be impairing the ability of food to move from the stomach to the small intestine.

Regular dyspepsia could be caused by the H. pylori bacteria, which can cause stomach ulcers. Some people can also find that their digestion is affected by their mental health. Stress and anxiety can lead to a range of digestive issues.

Within these two primary types of indigestion, there are several causes that are common or important to watch out for.

Side Effects of Medication

Many medications have side effects, and digestive issues are certainly not uncommon. There are some types of medication that can suggest you might need to watch out for indigestion. For example, nitrates can cause the relaxation of the oesophageal sphincter: the muscle between your stomach and oesophagus.

When this happens, stomach acid can go in the wrong direction. NSAIDS, which include ibuprofen and aspirin, can cause issues. It’s advisable not to take them if you have existing digestive problems. Although some medications cause indigestion, it isn’t always possible to find a better one, so treating the indigestion is often the best thing to do.

Psychological Issues

Mental health can be a factor in indigestion and other digestive issues. Stress and anxiety can both cause people to have stomach discomfort. Ruling out physical causes of regular indigestion is important. However, it’s also necessary to consider the psychological issues that can lead to problems. Addressing these causes by improving mental health can lead to improved physical health.


Helicobacter Pylori Infection and Stomach Ulcers

Helicobacter pylori or H. pylori is a bacterium that can infect the stomach. It is a common infection, which can lead to stomach ulcers and, in rare cases, even stomach cancer. It’s only relatively recently that H. pylori was proved to cause stomach ulcers, which many still believe they are caused by stress.

These bacteria don’t always lead to indigestion, but they can be a cause. Taking antibiotics will get rid of the infection to relieve the symptoms.

If left untreated, H. pylori can lead to stomach ulcers, which are sores on the lining of the stomach or small intestine. Their cause isn’t always H. pylori infections, but it is the most common cause.

Gastro-oesophageal Reflux Disease (GORD)

GORD is a common cause of digestion issues. It occurs when the oesophageal sphincter isn’t able to prevent stomach acid from moving into your oesophagus, causing acid reflux. It's worth remembering that many people experience a bit of acid reflux without having GORD. For example, you might get it when you’ve overeaten or had spicy food.

However, it becomes a problem when it occurs on a regular basis. If acid reflux happens often, it can cause inflammation in the lining of the oesophagus. Sufferers can experience heartburn, among other symptoms.

Stomach Cancer

Occasionally, indigestion on a regular basis might be a symptom of stomach cancer. Cancerous cells can cause damage to the stomach lining, exposing your stomach to acid. However, this isn’t particularly common, particularly for younger people.

How to Treat Indigestion

People often find it frustrating to find the right treatment for their indigestion. It helps if they can identify the cause and address it. However, it isn’t always easy to find out what’s causing regular indigestion. Even if the cause is discovered, waiting for a diagnosis can take a long time and you might feel miserable in the meantime.

There are several ways to begin treating indigestion, both on your own and with the help of your doctor.

Diet and Lifestyle Adjustment

For some people, adjusting their lifestyle can help them with their indigestion problems. Obesity can be one factor that influences how often indigestion occurs. If you are very overweight, it can put pressure on your stomach and acid can be pushed back up more easily.

Diet can also be a factor, as well as other lifestyle choices, such as smoking. What you eat and drink also matters: there can be certain foods or drinks that give people indigestion. and these are different for each person. However, common culprits are fatty or spicy foods, caffeine and alcohol.

An improved diet can help to cut down on problems with indigestion.

Over-the-Counter Indigestion Treatment

There are several solutions that many turn to which are available from your local pharmacy. You can buy antacids to help relieve indigestion. If you’re not sure what might help, your doctor can recommend something, or they might also prescribe something stronger.

Many people will also prefer to use a more natural treatment like Magastic Extra.

You can choose a treatment to relieve the symptoms of indigestion when you experience it. You can also use a digestion aid that will help you to maintain healthy digestion and metabolism.

Managing Your Mental Health

For many people, addressing the psychological causes of indigestion can be important. Feelings of stress and anxiety can be one of the factors that lead to digestive issues. When this occurs, it’s important to deal with the causes as well as the symptoms. Finding ways to manage stress can reduce the frequency of indigestion

Persistent Dyspepsia

Some people may experience indigestion frequently, which can be disruptive to your lifestyle. In some instances, a prescribed medication might be the best way to treat dyspepsia. These can include proton pump inhibitors and H2-receptor antagonists. These medications can be a solution if antacids and other over-the-counter treatments aren’t working.

Magastic Extra for Indigestion

Magastic is a solution for those who prefer a natural approach to treating indigestion. It supports healthy digestion and metabolism using natural ingredients like mastic gum, which several clinical studies have suggested that this helps to relieve the symptoms of indigestion.

Magastic also contains zinc and vitamin B6, which both aid healthy digestion. Magastic Extra is designed to offer a natural way to help with the symptoms of indigestion. The chewable tablets and liquid formula are both fast-acting and taste of garden mint. They are suitable for vegans and vegetarians, as well as those with a variety of food allergies and intolerances.

Indigestion can be difficult to deal with. However, understanding what it is and its causes can help you to address it. 


